Experience and Relationships to handle the tough issues facing our communities
Transportation and Tolling
Jules joined the fight against tolling in 2018, based on her concerns about traffic diversion and public safety. She continued her efforts as City Councilor and Mayor of West Linn, holding ODOT accountable and gathering more regional partners into the fight.
In her first term as State Representative, she gathered others in the house and senate and introduced a bill that prompted the Governor to pause and eventually shelve tolling in Oregon.
But we know that our transportation infrastructure needs to be funded. In the 2025 Session, she will work to find creative solutions that fund our transportation systems in a fair and equitable way and hold ODOT acountable for how our tax dollars are spent.
The Environment
As mayor of West Linn during the 2021 ice storm, Jules declared a state of emergency and oversaw public works as they removed downed trees from roads. West Linn lost a third of its street tree canopy and many more trees on private and park properties—900 dump trucks full of debris were hauled away. .
Due to to the effects of the climate crisis, we are seeing an increase in the frequency and severity of wildfires, ice storms and heat domes. Having a leader who can jump into action is critical.
As State Rep, Jules received a high score from the Oregon League of Conservation Voters for her voting record on climate issues.
She is the leader we can trust to reduce greenhouse gas emissions, combat wildfires, and prepare for natural disasters.
Economic Opportunity
Jules believes that in our modern economy, child care is infrastructure. In the 2024 short session, Jules introduced legislation to create the CHIPS Child Care Fund, to grow our workforce and expand the semiconductor industry. While narrow in scope, the program it creates will make access to flexible and affordable child care easier and could become a model for how we provide child care in Oregon and beyond.
Housing is a human right, and every Oregonian deserves a safe place to call home. Jules has been working to get people into stable housing that low and middle-income families can afford.
That said, Jules voted AGAINST SB1537 because she believes that meddling with the UGB will not solve the problem and only provide a disservice to her constituents.
In the legislature, Jules supported expanding access to and lowering the cost of healthcare and prescription drugs — especially for our most vulnerable community members.
Jules has been a strong advocate for expanded addiction treatment and recovery services.
She is a strong advocate in the house for gender affirming cane in Oregon and she will always protect women’s access to reproductive care including birth control and the right to make their own choices.
As we continue to heal from the pandemic, thoughtful conversations about health care are needed. Jules is having those conversations and fighting for solutions that will build a stronger, safer, and healthier Oregon.
Jules believes in the value of public education. As a community leader, Jules worked to raise money for arts and music programs and to hire additional educators. As your State Legislator, Jules voted to make high-quality education more affordable and create economic opportunities through apprenticeship programs.
Affordable, high-quality education is a pathway to successful careers in health care, education, construction, IT, and more, which is why Jules supports doing more to expand job training programs and support community colleges like Clackamas Community College and PCC.
Public Safety
As a former Mayor, Jules understands that funding law enforcement, firefighters, and healthcare workers is essential to keeping our communities safe and healthy. She believes in investing in transformative programs and continual training and education.
As mayor, Jules led the effort to hire West Linn’s first BIPOC police chief. She also advocated for much-needed reform and accountability including the creation of a permanent Police Oversight Board. She will advocate for policies and standards that support our police officers, provide transparency, and keep us all safe.